[Top Rated] Sky Sailing An Airplane Carried Me To Bed 2010 Album
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It would be a difficult thing to argue if I said that Owl City could easily be placed in the top ten pop artists in the country. Adam Young became mega popular in mid-2009, thanks partially to iTunes and partially to Universal Records. Before that, he had two independently-released albums under the Owl City name, but even before those albums were created, Young had made music under plenty of other obscure names. In 2010, thanks again to Universal (along with Young's willingness), Owl City fans got a little taste of one of his previous projects, the acoustic-based Sky Sailing. The formerly-independent album An Airplane Carried Me To Bed saw the light of day after many years, and made its way into the hands of lots of new fans.
\"Sky Sailing\" was started as Adam Young's first solo project in 2007, before he started performing and recording as Owl City with his first EP under that name, Of June in the same year. He soon left Sky Sailing in favor of the popularity attracted by Owl City. Adam released only one album in the name of Sky Sailing: \"An Airplane Carried Me To Bed\", which was not released until July 13, 2010[1][2], and features some of Adam Young's early recordings, before he started touring as Owl City. Upon the release of An Airplane Carried Me To Bed, Adam Young described the collection of songs on the Sky Sailing website:
In 2010, Andy and Anthony Johnson then reformed the project under the name Glacier Island. Since then, the group has released two studio albums entitled From Pelican Shores (2010)[4] and The Campfire Lullabies (2012).[5][6][7] Young has not been involved with the project since its resurrection and reform.
In 2009, Young signed a deal with the record company Universal Republic. Under this new label, Young released his second full-length album Ocean Eyes and re-released his two previous albums. A single on the album, \"Fireflies\", sold 650,000 copies in its first week and was the iTunes Single of the Week. It reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100. Ocean Eyes reached the top ten in the US album charts and topped the US rock and electronic charts. In February 2010, iTunes released their list of highest-selling songs since 2003 with \"Fireflies\" listed at No. 24.[45]
Sky Sailing was started as Young's first solo project in 2007.[51] It is largely acoustic synthpop, recorded on piano, drum kit, and acoustic guitar. One album was released by the project, An Airplane Carried Me to Bed (on the Universal Republic Records label) on July 13, 2010. The album features some of the early recordings of Adam Young, before he toured as Owl City. It was made available through iTunes and physical CD release.[52]
Young departed the band in late 2008 as Owl City's popularity began to increase. Alone, Tofte signed Swimming With Dolphins on to Tooth & Nail Records in mid-2010.[61][67] About a year later, Tofte released Swimming With Dolphin's first full-length album Water Colours under Tooth & Nail in 2011.[68][69][70] On August 5, 2011, Swimming With Dolphins uploaded the official music video for the first single off the record, \"Sleep To Dream\", via YouTube.[71]
On Valentine's Day of 2011, Adam Young published a post via his Tumblr blog in which he addressed the country pop singer Taylor Swift.[110][111][112][113] According to Young, the song \"Enchanted\" from Swift's 2010 Speak Now album was addressed to him. Flattered, Young composed a cover version of the song with some few minor altering of lyrics which he proceeded to send to her on Valentine's Day along with a note.[114]
Listen to Sky Sailing Alaska (Album Version) MP3 song. Alaska (Album Version) song from album An Airplane Carried Me To Bed is released in 2010. The duration of song is 00:02:36. The song is sung by Sky Sailing.
In the 2010s, technology made creating, distributing, and listening to music easier than at any previous point in history. Producers and artists collaborated through the cloud, mixing styles like potions, from emo trap to EDM ballads to indie R&B to bedroom pop. A million modes of distribution meant you could hear those songs milliseconds after they were born. Artists started releasing music at an unprecedentedly rapid pace. The infinite scroll of social media made listeners insatiable. The result of all this was both a blessing and a curse: There was more great music out there than ever before, but it was nearly impossible to keep up. Here at Pitchfork, we sure tried. Here are our top 200 songs of the decade.
Pada tahun 2009, Young menandatangani kesepakatan dengan perusahaan rekaman Universal Republic. Di bawah label barunya ini, dia merilis album penuh keduanya Ocean Eyes dan merilis ulang dua album sebelumnya. Lagu hitsnya \"Fireflies\" terjual 650.000 kopi pada minggu pertama dan menjadi iTunes Single Of The Week. Kemudian itu mencapai peringkat satu pada Billboard Hot 100. Ocean Eyes mencapai sepuluh besar di tangga album Amerika Serikat dan menduduki peringkat atas pada tangga album rock dan elektronik Amerika Serikat. Pada bulan Februari 2010, iTunes merilis daftar penjualan lagu tertinggi sejak 2003 dengan \"Fireflies\" terdapat pada peringkat 24.[3] Setelah kesuksesan Ocean Eyes, Young mulai melakukan tur keliling dunia. Tur grup musiknya terdiri atas Adam Young (pemimpin vokal, gitaris, keyboard, drum), Breanne Düren (backup vocals/keyboard), Matthew Decker (drummer), Laura Musten (violin), dan Hannah Schroeder (cello). Sebuah versi deluxe Ocean Eyes dirilis pada tanggal 26 Januari 2010, yang berisi bonus lagu \"Rugs From Me To You\", \"Strawberry Avalanche\", dan \"Hot Air Balloon\".
Pada tanggal 29 Juni 2010, Young mengumumkan bahwa ia akan merilis rekaman awal dengan nama Sky Sailing. Dia mulai membuat musik di bawah moniker Sky Sailing sekitar tahun 2006. Debut album Sky Sailing ini, An Airplane Carried Me to Bed, dibuat tersedia secara eksklusif melalui iTunes pada tanggal 13 Juli 2010.[4]
Le 26 juillet 2010 sort le premier album, d'une de ses anciennes formations Sky Sailing. Celui-ci intitulé An Airplane Carried Me to Bed, est distribué par Universal Republic, et est également disponible sur toutes les plateformes légales[11]. Toujours en juillet 2010, Chicane sort un album, baptisé Giants, comprenant 2 mix différents d'une chanson intitulée Middledistancerunner avec Adam Young, l'un étant le mix original, le second étant un rework. Pratiquement en même temps sort, sur la plate-forme de téléchargement légal iTunes, un EP de cette chanson, comprenant plusieurs remixes. Sa tournée finie, Adam retourne en studio pour débuter l'enregistrement du troisième opus de Owl City, All Things Bright and Beautiful, dont la sortie est prévue pour le printemps 2011.
Young compose la chanson To the Sky pour le film d'animation Le Royaume de Ga'hoole, qui est sorti le 27 octobre 2010[12]. Le 25 octobre 2010, il publie la chanson chrétienne In Christ Alone sur son blog[13]. Le 13 novembre 2010, il enregistre un album pour l'un de ses anciens projets musicaux Windsor Airlift appelé Flight[14].
Sau khi hợp tác với Universal Republic, Young phát hành album Ocean Eyes. Single đầu tiên \"Fireflies\" bán được 650,000 bản ngay trong tuần đầu tiên và là iTunes Single của tuần. Ocean Eyes vươn đến top 10 tại bảng xếp hạng US album and. Vào tháng 2 năm 2010, iTunes công bố các ca khúc bán được nhiều bản nhất từ năm 2003 đến nay, trong đó, \"Fireflies\" đứng thư 24.[3] Sau thành công của Ocean Eyes, Young bắt đầu đi tour khắp thế giới. Tour diễn bao gồm Adam Young (lead vocals, guitar, keys, trống), Breanne Düren (backup vocals/keyboard), Matthew Decker (trống), Laura Musten (violin), and Hannah Schroeder (cello).
29/6/2010, Young công bố rằng anh sẽ phát hành một album dưới cái tên Sky Sailing. Album đầu tay của Sky Sailing, An Airplane Carried Me to Bed, đã phát hành thông qua iTunes vào 13/7/2010.[6] 153554b96e