The Brain 8 Keygen 11
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To determine the influence of circLRFN5 on GCH1 levels in glioma tissues, we measured the GCH1 mRNA level in glioma samples. The GCH1 mRNA level was significantly higher in GSCs than that in NSCs (P < 0.05, Figure 1D). Similarly, the protein level of GCH1 in glioma tissues was significantly higher than that in normal brain tissues (Figure 1E). Furthermore, the GCH1 level in glioma tissues was lower than that in NSCs (Figure 1E). Moreover, we found that the GCH1 level was lower in glioma tissues with high circLRFN5 expression (Figure 1F). These data indicated that circLRFN5 may suppress the expression of GCH1 in glioma tissues. The data were consistent with circLRFN5 decreasing the expression of GCH1 in GSCs.
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