Libro Workbook Open Mind Level 1 Contestado
Critical thinking is also the key to learning. If you can think critically, you can learn a lot of things. A critical mind is open to ideas, it is curious, and it is willing to question all the received wisdom. When you think critically, you are also willing to learn from other people. A critical mind is a learning mind. It is also a challenging mind. If you have an open mind, you are open to change. Thinking critically means you can challenge your own beliefs.
Reading is a foundational skill in every domain, and it remains so in futures. Foresight students need to understand trends, issues, and events, and they can do that only by reading. There are some other functions of reading as well. It helps you to develop a mind of your own and a critical attitude.
Imagine a futures triangle. The external environment, the organiza- tional culture, and the economic environment are examined in an effort to understand what is likely to happen. In addition, an analysis of the corporate balance sheet, the tone of the shareholder letter, and the accounting standards are considered to understand what the competition might be up to. The final step in the synthesis is to develop a story that imagines what will happen when the competition is successful. A stakeholders' story imagines what happens if stakeholders succeed in their goals. The futures triangle helps us to keep the organization's culture and operating environment in mind. It helps us to understand which competitor narratives we need to guard against. Finally, it helps us to imagine how stakeholders might succeed in their own goals.
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