How To Fight And Reduce Maintenance Under CrPC 125 And DV Act Mobi =LINK= Download Book
This book is written from perspective of informing Indian men on how best to handle maintenance cases filed by wife, and how to deny or reduce the maintenance amount. The audience is especially men facing or likely to face multiple cases foisted by wife including IPC 498A, 406, 506, 34, 323 and others. Also, it will be useful for men who have filed RCR/divorce or wife has filed same on them, and now she has filed a maintenance claim under HMA 24. Handling maintenance cases of wife is a universal feature of all above scenarios, but unfortunately it is somewhat ignored in the initial stages by men with the result of getting burdened by high maintenance, and still having to fight cases for many years in court.
In 1932, Shah Bano, a Muslim woman, was married to Mohammed Ahmad Khan, a wealthy advocate in Indore (Madhya Pradesh). Shah Bano was the first cousin of Khan, and they had five children from the marriage. After fourteen years, in 1946, Khan married another of his cousins. An ongoing property dispute within the family was exacerbated, culminating in a serious fight over the issue. In 1975, Khan drove Shah Bano out of the house.11 Three years later, in 1978, Shah Bano appealed at the local court for maintenance from her husband under Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC).12 In August 1979, Shah Bano won the suit, with the local magistrate ordering Khan to provide her with the maintenance of 25 rupees per month. In July 1980, Shah Bano filed another plea for revised maintenance. The Madhya Pradesh High Court ruled in her favour, ordering maintenance of 179.20 rupees per month. 153554b96e