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Tolerance Data is alphanumeric engine ID. Tolerance data has been purchased by many large and small engine manufacturers. Tolerance Data is based on data from driveshafts and torsion bars. The tolerance data on this block is split into a quadratic spline (QS). The QS is based on four parameters: FM, LHC, LOE, and CFR4. The FM is the max engine torque at 1.5 bar, the LHC is the torque at the engine's peak power. The LOE is the torque at one engine rpm. The CFR4 is the distance over which the QS is linear. Different manufacturers use different tolerances. The combination of the four parameters represent the data for each drivetrain profile. The torque is the output of the engine data.
Anything found at the top of the block will cause a modification to the QS and a resulting error message if distributors in the engine management system are on the same quadrant. If any distributor switches out of quadrant above the K DXB, the engine ID will be listed as a dealer code N/A (not available)..
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