Download ARISTOIS Here
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This page is specifically about installing Aristois with Fabric modpacks. For Forge modpacks, please readhere.Fabric is supported from 1.14 to 1.19.4. By default, Aristois runs as a Fabric mod on top ofEMC. Aristois also slightly modifies the fabric loader that it runs on.Because of this, it's not recommended to run Aristois directly with Fabric loader (but using it's own installation).When running a Fabric modpack, instead of adding Aristois to the modpack, you should add the mods to Aristois. This will prevent any issues withAristois, and also allow the mods to work as normal. The official launcher or MultiMC are recommended for this, because third-party launchersare usually more complex in regards of Fabric loader (or completely prevent Aristois from working).
Since Aristois runs Fabric by default, it's much simpler and will cause less issues to place all of your mods inside of the Aristois instance.First, download the modpack or mods that you wish to play with. If you already have them installed on a different launcher, you can simply locate themods folder in the launcher directory.Then, grab the Aristois installer from the download page. Run the installer using Java.If you'd like, you can use the manual ZIP files to install Aristois instead of the .jar installer.
After creating the instance, download and run theAristois installer. Select your Minecraft version, and then select \"MultiMC\".Change the directory to your MultiMC root (main) folder. For example,C:\\Users\\X\\Desktop\\MultiMC\\. After continuing, you will see a list of instances to select from. Choose the instance that you createdfor Aristois and finish installing.
Before installing Aristois, you need to have the modpack already installed on your selected launcher.To install Aristois to a different launcher with Fabric, the installer will not be used. Instead you must download the files manually and place them where they need to go.This example shows the installation process with CurseForge Launcher, but these instructions apply for any third-party launcher.
After your modpack is set up, you will need to download the right files. You can use a special URL to directly access these.Non-Donor Version: =fabricDonor Version: =fabric&donor=truePlease note that you need to replace with the version you want. The donor version will also only work for donor accounts.
After downloading these files, you'll need to place them in your modpack files.For most launchers, it should work correctly to drop both folders directly into the instance folder. If this is done correctly you should find the EMC.jar insideyour mods folder with the rest of the modpack mods.
Although less common on Fabric, some mods can conflict with Aristois. While most will work just fine, some will causecrashes or other issues in-game. We typically do not fix these types of conflicts. You can always remove the mod thatis causing trouble, however if you play on Multiplayer servers this may prevent you from being able to join moddedservers.These are some mods that are known to cause issues with Aristois (Fabric). This is not a definite list, as there will always bemore conflictions:BYG (Oh the biomes you'll go)OriginsCustomSplashScreenSmoothBootDashloaderLithium (1.19.x)Haema
This page is specifically about installing Aristois with Forge modpacks. For Fabric modpacks, please readhere.Even though Aristois is available for Forge does not mean the mod is \"modpack-friendly\". Nearly every popular modpackcontains at least one mod that conflicts with Aristois. We generally do not fix any conflictions between Aristois and Forge mods. You canread more about this under Troubleshooting Issues.
The simplest way to install Aristois with a modpack is by using the Vanilla Minecraft launcher. Before installing Aristois,you should install the correct Forgeversion (the build number does not matter). Aristois does not come with Forge.After you have downloaded and ran the Forge installer, you're ready to install Aristois. Grab the installer from thedownload page. Please note that you cannot use the \"Manual Zip\" files toinstall to Forge. After downloading the installer .jar, simply run it with Java.
After creating the instance, download and run theAristois installer. Select your Minecraft version, and then selectForge mod loader. Do not select \"MultiMC\", that option is only for Fabric loader.Change the directory to your MultiMC Instance \".minecraft\" folder. For example,C:\\Users\\X\\Desktop\\MultiMC\\instances\\1.16.5-Forge\\.minecraft\\.
It's not uncommon that some mods will conflict with Aristois. While most mods will work just fine, some will causecrashes or other issues in-game. We typically do not fix these types of conflicts. You can always remove the mod thatis causing trouble, however if you play on Multiplayer servers this may prevent you from being able to join moddedservers.These are some mods that are known to cause issues with Aristois (Forge). This is not a definite list, as there will always bemore conflictions:RandomPatchesVanillaFixPerformantBYGCreateIceandFireRatsDynamicSurroundingsOriginsVanillaFixCustomMainMenuCustomSplashScreenForgeEndertechSmoothBootRadium Reforged (1.19.x)Canary MC (1.19.x) 59ce067264